Thalidomide BMS (previously Thalidomide Celgene) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

thalidomide bms (previously thalidomide celgene)

bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - thalidomide - majloma multipla - immunosoppressanti - thalidomide bms in combination with melphalan and prednisone as first line treatment of patients with untreated multiple myeloma, aged >/= 65 years or ineligible for high dose chemotherapy. thalidomide bms is prescribed and dispensed according to the thalidomide celgene pregnancy prevention programme (see section 4.

Jylamvo Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


therakind (europe) limited - methotrexate - arthritis, psoriatic; precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma; psoriasis; arthritis, rheumatoid; arthritis - aġenti antineoplastiċi - fl-rheumatological u dermatoloġiċi diseasesactive ' l-artrite rewmatika f'pazjenti adulti. polyarthritic forom severi, attivi-artrite idjopatika ġuvenili (jia) fl-adoloxxenti u tfal b'età minn 3 snin u l-fuq minn meta r-rispons għal mediċini mhux sterojdi kontra l-infjammazzjoni (nsaids), kienet inadegwata. severi, it-trattament refrattarji, diżabilità tal-psorijasi u li ma jirrispondix biżżejjed għall-forom oħra ta ' kura bħal fototerapija, psoralen u mir-radjazzjoni ultravjola (puva) it-terapija u l-retinojdi, u severa l-artrite psorjatika f'pazjenti adulti. fl-oncologymaintenance-trattament ta ' lewkimja akuta limfoblastika (all) fl-adulti, l-adoloxxenti u t-tfal b'età minn 3 snin u aktar.

Repso Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


teva b.v. - leflunomide - arthritis, rheumatoid; arthritis, psoriatic - immunosoppressanti - leflunomide huwa indikat għall-kura ta ' pazjenti adulti bil:artrite rewmatika attiva bħala 'mard tal-anti-rewmatiċi li jimmodifikaw il-mediċina' (dmard);artrite psorjatika attiva. riċenti jew fl-istess waqt it-trattament b'tossiku għall-fwied jew haematotoxic dmards (e. methotrexate) jista 'jirriżulta f'riskju akbar ta' reazzjonijiet avversi serji; għalhekk, il-bidu tat-trattament ta 'leflunomide għandu jiġi kkunsidrat bir-reqqa fir-rigward ta' dawn l-aspetti ta 'benefiċċju / riskju. barra minn hekk, il-qlib minn leflunomide għal dmard ieħor, mingħajr wara l-proċedura tat-tneħħija jistgħu wkoll iżidu r-riskju ta ' reazzjonijiet avversi serji anke għal żmien twil wara l-qlib tal -.

Vfend Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - voriconazole - candidiasis; mycoses; aspergillosis - antimikotiċi għal użu sistemiku - voriconazole, huwa triazole bi spettru wiesa'li aġent antifungali u hija indikata fl-adulti u t-tfal b'età minn 2 snin u l-fuq kif ġej:trattament ta 'asperġillożi invażiva;it-trattament tal fil-candidaemianon-pazjenti newtropeniċi;il-kura ta' fluconazole-'infezzjonijiet invażivi serji candida reżistenti (inkluż c. krusei);il-kura ta'infezzjonijiet fungali serji kkawżati minn scedosporium spp. u fusarium spp. vfend għandu jingħata primarjament lil pazjenti b'progressiva, possibbilment ta'theddida għall-ħajja infezzjonijiet. profilassi ta ' infezzjonijiet fungali invażivi f'riskju għoli alloġeneiċi trapjant ta'ċelloli staminali ematopojetiċi (hsct) riċevituri.

Riximyo Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sandoz gmbh - rituximab - lymphoma, non-hodgkin; arthritis, rheumatoid; microscopic polyangiitis; wegener granulomatosis - aġenti antineoplastiċi - riximyo is indicated in adults for the following indications:non-hodgkin’s lymphoma (nhl)riximyo is indicated for the treatment of previously untreated adult patients with stage iii-iv follicular lymphoma in combination with chemotherapy. riximyo maintenance therapy is indicated for the treatment of adult follicular lymphoma patients responding to induction therapy. riximyo monotherapy is indicated for treatment of adult patients with stage iii-iv follicular lymphoma who are chemoresistant or are in their second or subsequent relapse after chemotherapy. riximyo is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with cd20 positive diffuse large b cell non-hodgkin’s lymphoma in combination with chop (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisolone) chemotherapy. riximyo in combination with chemotherapy is indicated for the treatment of paediatric patients (aged ≥ 6 months to < 18 years old) with previously untreated advanced stage cd20 positive diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl), burkitt lymphoma (bl)/burkitt leukaemia (mature b-cell acute leukaemia) (bal) or burkitt-like lymphoma (bll). chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (cll)riximyo in combination with chemotherapy is indicated for the treatment of patients with previously untreated and relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. hemm biss informazzjoni limitata disponibbli fuq l-effikaċja u s-sigurtà għall-pazjenti li qabel kienu kkurati b'antikorpi monoklonali inkluż rituximab jew pazjenti refrattarji għal preċedenti rituximab flimkien ma ' kimoterapija. ara t-taqsima 5. 1 għal aktar informazzjoni. rheumatoid arthritisriximyo in combination with methotrexate is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with severe active rheumatoid arthritis who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to other disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (dmard) including one or more tumour necrosis factor (tnf) inhibitor therapies. rituximab wera li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray, u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika, meta jingħata flimkien ma ' methotrexate. granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitisriximyo, in combination with glucocorticoids, is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with severe, active granulomatosis with polyangiitis (wegener’s) (gpa) and microscopic polyangiitis (mpa). riximyo, in combination with glucocorticoids, is indicated for the induction of remission in paediatric patients (aged ≥ 2 to < 18 years old) with severe, active gpa (wegener’s) and mpa. pemphigus vulgarisriximyo is indicated for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe pemphigus vulgaris (pv).

Skilarence Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


almirall s.a - dimetil fumarate - psorajiżi - immunosoppressanti - skilarence huwa indikat għall-kura tal-moderati għall-plakka severi psoriasis fl-adulti fil-bżonn ta ' terapija mediċinali sistemiċi.

Bavencio Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck europe b.v. - avelumab - tumuri newroentokrini - aġenti antineoplastiċi oħra, antikorpi monoklonali - bavencio huwa indikat bħala monoterapija għat-trattament ta 'pazjenti adulti b'karċinoma metastatika taċ-ċellula ta' merkel (mcc). bavencio flimkien ma aksitinib huwa indikat għall-kura tal-ewwel linja ta ' pazjenti adulti b'karċinoma taċ-ċellola renali (rcc). bavencio is indicated as monotherapy for the first‑line maintenance treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (uc) who are progression-free following platinum‑based chemotherapy.

Crysvita Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


kyowa kirin holdings b.v. - burosumab - hypophosphatemia, familial; hypophosphatemic rickets, x-linked dominant; osteomalacia - drogi għat-trattament ta 'mard tal-għadam - crysvita is indicated for the treatment of x-linked hypophosphataemia, in children and adolescents aged 1 to 17 years with radiographic evidence of bone disease, and in adults. crysvita is indicated for the treatment of fgf23-related hypophosphataemia in tumour-induced osteomalacia associated with phosphaturic mesenchymal tumours that cannot be curatively resected or localised in children and adolescents aged 1 to 17 years and in adults.

Verzenios Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


eli lilly nederland b.v. - abemaciclib - neoplażmi tas-sider - aġenti antineoplastiċi - early breast cancerverzenios in combination with endocrine therapy is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of adult patients with hormone receptor (hr) positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her2) negative, node positive early breast cancer at high risk of recurrence (see section 5. in pre or perimenopausal women, aromatase inhibitor endocrine therapy should be combined with a luteinising hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh) agonist. advanced or metastatic breast cancerverzenios is indicated for the treatment of women with hormone receptor (hr) positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (her2) negative locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer in combination with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant as initial endocrine-based therapy, or in women who have received prior endocrine therapy. in pre- or perimenopausal women, the endocrine therapy should be combined with a lhrh agonist.

Imfinzi Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astrazeneca ab - durvalumab - karċinoma, pulmun mhux taċ-Ċellula Żgħira - aġenti antineoplastiċi - non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc)imfinzi as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced, unresectable non small cell lung cancer (nsclc) in adults whose tumours express pd-l1 on ≥ 1% of tumour cells and whose disease has not progressed following platinum based chemoradiation therapy (see section 5. imfinzi in combination with tremelimumab and platinum-based chemotherapy is indicated for the first-line treatment of adults with metastatic nsclc with no sensitising egfr mutations or alk positive mutations. small cell lung cancer (sclc)imfinzi in combination with etoposide and either carboplatin or cisplatin is indicated for the first-line treatment of adults with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (es-sclc). biliary tract cancer (btc)imfinzi in combination with gemcitabine and cisplatin is indicated for the first line treatment of adults with unresectable or metastatic biliary tract cancer (btc). hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc)imfinzi in combination with tremelimumab is indicated for the first line treatment of adults with advanced or unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc).